Sunday School Registrations 2024-2025
We’re Excited to Announce the 2024-2025 Sunday School Program! To learn more about our Sunday…
Youth Program – Welcome Dinner
We are excited to announce that the Youth Group Program at ICOB will be continuing…
Community BBQ: Welcome Mufti Moosa
Please join us for a free community BBQ lunch to welcome Mufti Moosa, out new…
Convert Potluck: Building Sisterhood
Build sisterhood through food and conversation Registration is mandatory: Free Islamic material will be…
Mummy And Me Program 2024/2025
Every Mondays starting September 9th to May 26th Explorers: 0 months to 2 years old…
Weekly Knowledge Quest with Br Alaa Badr
Join us for a weekly knowledge Quest halaqa with Br Alaa Badr who shares with…
Saturday Halaqa with Br Ibrahim Anderson
Join us for a weekly Seerah halaqa with Br Ibrahim Anderson. Date: Every…
Summer Reading Support Camp – 2nd & 3rd Graders
ICOB is excited to announce a summer reading program tailored specifically for children in 2nd…
Summer meal program – ICOB & NSD Initiative
At ICOB We Care. We are proud to inform you that ICOB has partnered with…